Hannah McCormack

Early years lecturer, PhD Student - University of Dundee

Area(s) of Focus

Early Learning Higher education institution/University Parent

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Area(s) of Interest

ADHD Autism and ASD Communication and Interaction EYFS Further Education Higher Education Policy & Guidance Sensory and/or physical needs Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

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Feb 16, 2024
Replying to Angela Greenwood

Thank you for your contribution on self regulation Hannah. It is such an important skill to develop and happens naturally through attuned trusted support and relationships, and through understanding support until they begin to internalise their own capacities. Of course most of us get this as we grow up with caring available help, and talking things through when we need it, and weaning as we grow stronger, from our secure families. But some children sadly have the opposite experience. The good news is that secure nurturing and understanding schools can slowly shift this dysfunction through understanding, thoughtful, caring support and relationships. Enough sensitive and properly trained school staff can make a big difference, as they often see such children every day, but they need skilled support, as such children will certainly challenge them at times. It is certainly wonderful to see children grow stronger with thoughtful help and responsiveness, and firm humanely set boundaries. 

In relation to regulation you may like to check out my posters (viewable on my website (www.angelagreenwood.net) - eg: posters: 2,3, 4, 17 & 21 on the effects of unsupported trauma, posters 5 &6 on responding to children’s behavioural communications, posters 11,12 & 23 on the helpfulness of containing communication, poster 13 on preventing and managing outbursts (when children need help with regulation) poster 14 on the foundational importance of a secure base to ease the need for dysregulation, poster 24 on the helpfulness of a nurture base for children who struggle with regulation etc.
There is also a lot more detail in my 2020 book on the subject eg: in chapter (3) on trauma, on p.106-119 on the chaotic disorganised child who typically cannot self regulate and needs relationship-based help to manage this and to slowly internalise such capacity, and on p.138-143 on offering such children a 'second-chance attachment experience’.

Also on my website Safe to Learn sessions 3, 5, and 6 may give the best summary.

With best wishes for all your wonderful endeavours.

Thank you so much for your lovely comments and for links to all your amazing resources! I will have a look through them all. 

Feb 24, 2023
Replying to Carrie Chappell

As an oversubscribed mainstream school struggling to cope with the demands of the SEND pupils placed, inappropriately and against parental wishes I agree wholeheartedly with this message.  The system is not set up to work for the interests of the pupils, it is designed to suit the commissioners of services. Children, schools, teachers and parents are being let down at every corner.

I completely agree with you, inclusion is a great concept and I fully support/advocate SEND children in mainstream schools, if it is the most appropriate setting for them. However, the way the educational systems in England are set up, it is not working. Like you have identified, not only does it impact children with SEND but also children without. 

Feb 01, 2023

I am interested to know what other people think of the ‘shaping you’ campaign? How well do you think it will be received across the early years sector? What do you think the potential strengths or weakness are? Is there anything else you would like to be put forward for discussion?