Hi, I'm Tina, a former experienced teacher, and I have been working with PANS PANDAS UK, a charity focused on these post infectious neuro-inflammatory conditions for around three years. These conditions can cause children to quickly deteriorate from doing well in school to having complex needs. Awareness about these conditions is currently low, but it is improving thanks to recent advances in the medical field, a Parliamentary debate and media coverage. PANS/ PANDAS can present with some unusual characteristics, and this combined with a lack of awareness and training for schools has made things more difficult. The recent recognition of both PANS/PANDAS as distinct diseases by the NHS, now presents a great opportunity to raise further awareness across education.
I was a special schools teacher for 28 years then an ICT SEN Advisor for a local education authority before setting up my own Assistive Technology company doing consultancy, assessment and training in the area of Assistive Technology.
I am a council member for the British Assistive Technology Association and the producer of "The Power of Assistive Technology film series.
I am a freelancre trainer with Neurobox as well as an international speaker at events here in the UK at The Dyslexia Show, BETT Show & BDA groups around the country
I run a gender neutral and neuro diverse barbershop in Bolton, and do a lot of work with children with additional needs and I go into local education settings to working with children and young adults with board spectrum of additional needs, mainly autism and non verbal autism. I am the only hair professional in the shop, so this prevents overwhelment and sensory overload, and have resources available to help make the haircut as relaxed and pain free as possible for the client and there parent / guardians.
Sharon Smith
PhD researcher & Education Advisor for the Down's Syndrome Association, University of Birmingham / Down's Syndrome Association
Cheryl Warren
Trainer | Consultant | Specialising in Neurodiversity in early years , Aperion Training
Hi, My name is Cheryl and I am an award winning trainer and consultant working across the UK as well as being an international speaker, supporting early years settings and schools to deliver quality neuroinclusive practice. I have 30 years experience within the sector and am passionate about ensuring ALL of our children are supported to thrive through understnading and connection. I am a parent to two amazing boys who are neurodivergent and ensure my lived experiences are shared to support others.
Hello, I'm Lynn.
I'm an educational consultant supporting all things SEND (but especially SENCos). I have 20 years of primary teaching and SLT experience. I have been an Assistant Head, Lead Mentor for ITT and SENCo.
I love to write and also have my own SEMH and staff mental health blog: www.positiveyoungmind.com I hold an MA in Education, NASENCO and NPQH.
My particular areas of interest are wellbeing (staff and pupil), SEND, SLCN, children’s mental health, leadership, mentoring and coaching. Recently I started an Educational Consultancy business for SEND (SEND support) and Teacher Wellbeing (The Wellbeing Lady). All my SENCO freebies can be found here: https://positiveyoungmind.com/senco-resources/
I have a teacher coaching group on Facebook; a group for those wishing to improve their work-life balance in school or who need support in moving out of teaching: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingforteacherwellbeing
Looking forward to connecting!