Hi all,
My name is Sophie McGrevey and I am a Research Assistant at Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust. To date, I used to be as TA in a primary school for autistic children in Wales, and am now involved in autism research.
I have recently been awarded a research grant funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaboration in Kent, Surrey and Sussex (NIHR ARC KSS). The research is looking at the current prevalence of autism across schools in Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS), as well as needs of autistic children in school. To do this, the study will involve:
A prevalence questionnaire administered to schools
Interviews with autistic children and young people
These will feed into adapting a Quality-of-Life measure for autistic children for use in schools to help school staff better support autistic children with their unmet mental health needs in school.
The research project is currently going through ethics, but when it has been approved, I will be looking for schools in KSS who would be interested in participating in the prevalence questionnaire. In the meantime, I am happy to chat with anyone. For more information, feel free to reach out or email me at