About Autistic and OK

Everyone should be able to feel OK at school. But we know this isn’t the case for many autistic pupils.

That’s why Ambitious about Autism, in partnership with Zurich and the Z Zurich Foundation, created the Autistic and OK programme. The programme is designed to empower autistic pupils to take control of their mental health and wellbeing, understand themselves better, and feel OK .

We developed our Autistic and OK toolkit to run this innovative peer-led programme. This free resource is available for every UK secondary school and can be downloaded from our website.  

We're excited to be part of the SEND Network connecting with teachers and SEND professionals to bring the benefits of the Autistic and OK programme to as many autistic pupils as possible!

Area(s) of Focus

Alternative Provision Units (SEN/EBD schools and PRUs) Charity/NGO Secondary School

Intro Content

Cognition/Learning Comms/Interaction

The Autistic and OK programme

Autistic and OK is preventative mental health programme which contains a toolkit of resources designed to support the wellbeing of autistic pupils in secondary schools. Learn about how the programme works in schools and the benefits for autistic pupils and the whole-school community in this video.

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