Yasmin Shaheen-Zaffar

CEO, Watoto play

Area(s) of Focus

Consultancy Further education institution/College/Adult Education Primary School Secondary School Supplier/Distributor/Reseller

Job Title

Behaviour Specialist Consultant SENCO Therapist

Area(s) of Interest

ADHD Behaviour Cognition and Learning Communication and Interaction Dyslexia Dyspraxia Secondary and post-16 Sensory and/or physical needs Social, emotional and mental health difficulties Young adults, parents and carers

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I love the fact you name them as school avoiders.  Thank goodness the term school refusers is being erased out. 

This card deck I created can be helpful for parents & teens to help understand how their behaviours link to their emotions https://polyvagalteen.com/product/polyvagal-teen-card-deck/

Heres also my latest podcast episode where I speak to an ex-teacher where we talk about school avoiders. 
