What is the best way to engage with schools for research participation?
Hi Sophie,
Your research sounds great and I hope schools get involved. I'm currently carrying out research with children with SEND, and their parents and teachers in the Midlands, and I've found the best way to get into schools is through contacts of people who know someone in the school/ head teacher. I've tried emailing, usually to no avail, but once I start name-dropping and using contacts I've secured a handful of schools willing to participate. Hope that helps.
Hi Sophie,
I found your post very interesting. I’m a Primary School SENDCO based in Kent and would be very interested to hear more about your research project to see if we could be involved.
In terms of contacting schools, you could possibly try tapping into local networks via the local authority. They may know of schools that are interested in research.
Hi Emma and Michael,
Thank you both for your suggestions, they are really helpful!
Michael - Thank you for taking an interest in my work! I am happy for you to contact me at sophie.mcgrevey@nhs.net or 07810537555, or if you would like for me to contact you, please let me how how best to do so. I would be keen to talk to you about local networks and how I can tap into them. In terms of the research project, I am asking schools to provide information about their school roll (number of children with SEND provision, number of neurodiverse children including autism etc.) in a short questionnaire, and am particularly keen to hear from school staff involved in SEND for this. I am happy to send over an information sheet if you are happy to be contacted!