Introducing the latest content newsletter

Our new latest content newsletter will replace the current digest emails which you receive, ensuring you can stay notified about the most recent content and activity on the SEND Network.
Please note: for existing users, you will automatically receive latest content newsletters weekly, but you can amend your settings to increase or decrease your frequency.
You can receive the latest content newsletter either daily, weekly or monthly - depending on your personal preference. If you find you are receiving the newsletter more regularly than you wish to, please follow the below steps to update your settings:
- Click on your avatar in the top right corner of the navigation bar
- Select Account settings from the drop down menu
- Click change notification preferences
- Your newsletter settings sit at the top of this page
- Select daily, weekly or monthly for the Latest Content Newsletter
- Scroll to the bottom to save preferences
The other newsletter which we have activated on the site is the fortnightly highlights. This will include the content which we have highlighted from the previous fortnight's activity. You can toggle this on and off in the notification preferences as well.
Please do get in touch here if you have any questions about the emails you are receiving.
Please sign in or register for FREE
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