The Julia and Susie show: Tes SEND Show preview
Dr Susie Nyman, and Julia Clouter tease their Tes SEND Show seminar: the fusion of assistive technology and multi-sensory techniques.
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Julia and Susie will explore the ultimate question - What came first - the chicken or the egg? Does Siri know? What does Alexa say? Can we find it in an encyclopaedia? Students with dyslexia and neurodiverse difficulties can find ways to support their learning by using a range of strategies. When we use multi-sensory techniques to develop learning with technology we can better understand the answers and remember them.
Learning outcomes:
- How to engage and include neurodiverse students of all abilities.
- Actively participate in tried and tested methods.
- Be able to use specific techniques some of which are listed in the ‘The Multi-sensory Teaching Toolkit’, the latest ‘Dyslexia Friendly Schools Good Practice and The Literacy Toolbox.
Dr Susie Nyman is the Curriculum Manager for Health and Social Care, The Sixth Form College, Farnborough
Julia Clouter is the Global Head of Education & SpLD Specialist, Scanning Pens
To book onto this seminar, click here.
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