Upcoming events - come and say hi!

Members of the Speech & Language Link team are out and about attending lots of events over the next few weeks. We are really looking forward to the opportunity to meet you.
Upcoming events - come and say hi!

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Members of the Speech & Language Link team are out and about attending lots of events over the next few weeks. We are really looking forward to the opportunity to meet you.

Speech Link and Language Link are award-winning support packages created to help schools to support pupils with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). Developed by speech and language therapists, the packages empower schools to identify and support SLCN. Schools use the packages alongside the support already in place from local SaLT teams to ensure all pupils speech and language needs are met.

Conferences and exhibitions are a great way to meet you face-to-face. Come and say hello and perhaps have a chat with one of our speech and language therapists about how our packages can help compliment the support you already have in place. We'll also let you know more about our upcoming research studies and (while you're at our stand) you can grab the latest copies of The Link Primary and Secondary magazines and take away some lovely communication friendly stickers!

We hope to see you at one of the following events:

  • Saturday 27th April: NAPLIC Conference, Birmingham
  • Tuesday 30th April: CST Directors of Improvement, Birmingham - Stand 14
  • Wednesday 1st May: Schools and Academies Show/SEND Conference, London - Stand H41
  • Wednesday 8th May: The National SEND Conference, Manchester - Stand 16

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