The organisers of the widely popular Tes SEND Show have announced a new conference, Transforming SEND & Alternative Provision: getting provision right for Children, Young People & Families, taking place in Manchester this June.
The conference covers SEND and AP for early years all the way through to further education (0-25 age range) and is aimed at any staff responsible for supporting pupils with SEND in mainstream education. Including:
- Headteachers
- Local Authority staff
- SENCOs and members of the SLT
- School Governors
- Curriculum / subject Leads
- Early Years Staff, Teaching Assistants and Support Staff
- Health and Social Care practitioners
- CEOs of Trusts
Learn more about best practice, whole school approaches to inclusion and SEND, and discover more about projects in the region. We know working as a SENCO can sometimes be a lonely or overwhelming job. This conference gives you the opportunity to meet and build connections with peers working in the same field.
There is a vast range of presentations throughout the day, including:
Keynote + Q&A: Delivering the principles of the SEND and AP Improvement Plan – a tangible example
Hear from:
- Liz Franey, Deputy Director of SEND systems, Outcomes and Experiences Division from the DfE
- DfE’s Head of Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools Janet Collins
As they discuss the updated principles for reform set out in the Governments SEND and AP Improvement Plan and a new government programme focusing on early intervention in mainstream schools, Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS).
Delivering Better Value and 'SEND Funding'
Hear from:
- Martyn Owen, SEND Transformation Lead, Doncaster
Martyn presents a summary of the ‘Delivering Better Value’ work taking place in Doncaster. It will explore analysis about the local system, its effects on settings and how working in local partnerships improves the system in your area.
Supported Internships - what makes work, work for young people with SEND?
Hear from:
- Helen Hodgson, Associate, NDTI
- Paul Harper, Associate, NDTI
Employment rates nationally for people with a learning disability remain abysmally low at under 5%. Listen to case studies of successful supported internships that have helped young people with an EHCP successfully transition into the world of work.
Transforming SEND & Alternative Provision: getting provision right for Children, Young People & Families takes place Friday 28 June at the etc venues, Manchester. Registration is now live and delegates have until Friday 17 May to redeem early bird rates.
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