Paola Sanna

Support Worker, Bramhope Primary School
Lynn How

Author/Consultant , Positive Young Minds /SEND Support

Hello, I'm Lynn. I'm an educational consultant supporting all things SEND (but especially SENCos). I have 20 years of primary teaching and SLT experience. I have been an Assistant Head, Lead Mentor for ITT and SENCo. I love to write and also have my own SEMH and staff mental health blog: I hold an MA in Education, NASENCO and NPQH. My particular areas of interest are wellbeing (staff and pupil), SEND, SLCN, children’s mental health, leadership, mentoring and coaching. Recently I started an Educational Consultancy business for SEND (SEND support) and Teacher Wellbeing (The Wellbeing Lady). All my SENCO freebies can be found here:  I have a teacher coaching group on Facebook; a group for those wishing to improve their work-life balance in school or who need support in moving out of teaching:  Looking forward to connecting!